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Our 2025 Festival takes place in Huntingdon County, PA, with events in the twin boroughs of Rockhill Furnace/Orbisonia, as well as the county seat, Huntingdon! Below is the schedule for the 2025 festival. Please read below to learn about all of the exciting events we have planned.



Please use the button below to purchase All Access Passes and individual tickets! You can also call the railroad directly at (814) 447-3285 to purchase tickets over the phone.

Ticketed Event Pricing:

All Access Pass | $225 Per Person (Save $30 off of individual event tickets!)

Thursday 7:00 PM| Festival Kick-Off Concert @ 12th Street Church, Huntingdon PA - $30 adults, $24 HCAC members

Friday 2:00 PM | Friday Follies Concert @ Orbisonia Presbyterian Church - $30 per person

Friday 5:00 PM | Classic Ragtime Concert @ Orbisonia Presbyterian Church - $30 per person

Friday 7:30 PM | Silent Films @ East Broad Top Railroad (Rain location Orbisonia Presbyterian Church) - $20 per person

Saturday 9:30 AM | James P. Johnson Symposium @ Orbisonia Presbyterian Church - $20 per person

Saturday 2:00 PM | Syncopated Saturday Sampler Concert @ Orbisonia Presbyterian Church - $30 per person

Saturday 5:00 PM| Roaring 20's Dinner Train @ East Broad Top Railroad - $65 per person

Sunday 2:00 PM | Festival Finale Concert @ Orbisonia Presbyterian Church - $30 per person


*Please note: All Access passes do not include regularly scheduled excursions with either the East Broad Top Railroad or the Rockhill Trolley Museum. The All Access Pass ticket DOES include a spot with the Saturday Evening Dinner Train.


Thursday September 12, 2024:

7:00 PM - Festival Kickoff Concert at the 12th Street Church, 313 12th Street, Huntingdon, PA - $30 per person ($24 HCAC Members)

Start off our four-day festival with a kick-off concert with the Huntingdon County Arts Council in the county seat of Huntingdon! Our festival musicians will dazzle you on two pianos and drums as they transport you back in time to the turn of the century circa 1900!  


Friday, September 13, 2024:

10:00 AM - 1:30 PM - Live Music At The East Broad Top Railroad, 421 Meadow Street, Rockhill Furnace, PA - FREE

Join our musicians as they entertain you on the platform of the East Broad Top's Railroad station. Our musicians will rotate throughout the morning and afternoon. And make sure to purchase a ticket and experience America's Oldest Operating Narrow Gauge Railroad: The East Broad Top, as well as the historic trolleys of the Rockhill Trolley Museum (across the street from the EBT Depot).


EBT Trains leave at 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 3:00 PM, and last 1 hour. Trolley rides depart at 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM, or as needed. Tickets for the trains/trolleys are available on the EBT's website,


2:00 PM - Friday Follies Concert at the Orbisonia Presbyterian Church, 324 Ridgley Street, Orbisonia, PA - $30 per person

Enjoy a variety program concert of ragtime, jazz, blues, tunes from the Great American Songbook and more as our musicians tantalize you with fantastic musical performances! 


5:00 PM - Classic Ragtime Concert at the Orbisonia Presbyterian Church, 324 Ridgley Street, Orbisonia, PA - $30 per person

Meet “The King of Ragtime” Scott Joplin, and his cohorts as our performers celebrate the music of the classic ragtime composers. Expect to hear favorites like “The Maple Leaf Rag”, “The Entertainer”, and music from the 1974 film, THE STING.


7:30 PM - Silent Movies at the East Broad Top Railroad Station, 421 Meadow Street, Rockhill Furnace, PA - $20 per person

Join us for an evening of movies under the stars at the East Broad Top Railroad’s Orbisonia Station! A trio of tantalizing silent comedy shorts from the 1910s and ‘20s will be screened, with live musical accompaniment by musicians of the Central Pennsylvania Ragtime & American Music Festival! Bring a chair and a blanket for this evening of movie and musical fun! Grab a bag of popcorn and a hot drink, sit back, and enjoy the show! In the event of inclement weather, the program will be moved to the Orbisonia Presyterian Church, 324 Meadow Street, Orbisonia, PA. 


Saturday, September 14, 2024:

9:30 AM - James P. Johnson Symposium at the Orbisonia Presbyterian Church, 324 Ridgley Street, Orbisonia, PA - $20 per person

Join Scott E. Brown, the leading scholar of pianist/composer James P. Johnson, as he lectures about the “Father of Stride Piano” in this engaging seminar. Known to serious students of jazz as the "Father of Stride Piano," James P. Johnson has only recently begun to receive the acclaim he merits. Born in New Brunswick, NJ and reared in the cultural hotbed of Harlem, Johnson spanned the ragtime era, through the roaring twenties (to which he contributed its theme song the Charleston) and into the swing era. You’ll learn about his musical revues, extended compositions, film work, and of course, his song and instrumental pieces. 


10:00 AM - 1:30 PM - Live Music At The East Broad Top Railroad, 421 Meadow Street, Rockhill Furnace, PA - FREE

Join our musicians as they entertain you on the platform of the East Broad Top's railroad station. Performers will rotate throughout the morning and afternoon. And make sure to purchase a ticket and experience America's Oldest Operating Narrow Gauge Railroad: The East Broad Top, as well as the historic trolleys of the Rockhill Trolley Museum (across the street from the EBT Depot).


EBT Trains leave at 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 3:00 PM, and last 1 hour. Trolley rides depart at 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM, or as needed. Tickets for the trains/trolleys are available on the EBT's website,


2:00 PM - Syncoapted Saturday Sampler Concert at the Orbisonia Presbyterian Church, 324 Ridgley Street, Orbisonia, PA - $30 per person

Enjoy a variety program concert of ragtime, jazz, blues, tunes from the Great American Songbook and more as our musicians tantalize you with fantastic musical performances! 


5:00 PM - Roaring 20's Dinner Train & Concert - 421 Meadow Street, Rockhill Furnace, PA - $65 per person

Hop aboard a 2.5 hour round trip excursion on the East Broad Top Railroad, America’s oldest operating narrow gauge railroad! Once you reach Colgate Grove, step into our newly constructed picnic pavilions, sit down to a catered dinner, and enjoy the syncopated stylings of the Grammy-award winning performers of the Central Pennsylvania Ragtime & American Music Festival! Bring your dancing shoes and strut your stuff on the dance floor, tap your feet to the music of America’s past, and enjoy this spectacular event!  Attendees are encouraged to be in vintage dress for this event. Attendees will then ride back to the Orbisonia Station. 


Dinner Options Are Your Choice of Either: 

  • Roast Beef with Mashed Potatoes, Island Blend Veggies, Dinner Salad, and homemade rolls 

  • Pasta (Spaghetti) with choice of Marinara or Alfredo Sauce, Optional Meatballs, Dinner Salad, and Garlic Bread 


All Meals come with your choice of Lemonade, Sweet Tea, or Water. 
Schedule for the Dinner Train 

  • Train Departs Rockhill Furnace: 5:00pm 

  • Train Arrives Colgate Grove: 5:30pm 

  • Dinner & Performances: 5:30pm – 7:00pm 

  • Train Departs Colgate Grove: 7:00pm 

  • Train Arrives Rockhill Furnace: 7:30pm 


Sunday, September 15, 2024:

10:00 AM - 1:30 PM - Live Music At The East Broad Top Railroad, 421 Meadow Street, Rockhill Furnace, PA - FREE

Join our musicians as they entertain you on the platform of the East Broad Top's railroad station. Our musicians will rotate throughout the morning and afternoon. And make sure to purchase a ticket and experience America's Oldest Operating Narrow Gauge Railroad: The East Broad Top, as well as the historic trolleys of the Rockhill Trolley Museum (across the street from the EBT Depot).


EBT Trains leave at 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 3:00 PM, and last 1 hour. Trolley rides depart at 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM, or as needed. Tickets for the trains/trolleys are available on the EBT's website,


2:00 PM - Festival Finale Concert at the Orbisonia Presbyterian Church, 324 Ridgley Street, Orbisonia, PA, PA - $30 per person

Close out our festival weekend with our Festival Finale concert!  All our performers will bring back to life the syncopated sensations of a century ago as they play ragtime, jazz, blues, and tunes from the Great American Songbook! This is your last opportunity to hear these fantastic artists in person. 


© 2021-2025 by the Central Pennsylvania Ragtime & American Music Festival Inc. All rights reserved.

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